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Huşi recent comments:

  • Former industrial area of Husi, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Also, here was "SMT Department of Agriculture Mechanization" (in romanian- Sectia de Mecanizare a Agriculturii), which have romanian tractors ("Universal-650") and romanian combine harvesters ("Gloria C-12"). After 1990, this was name "Agromec SA", but after 1991, when romanian agriculture was virtually destroyed (primarily because the law 18/1991), "Agromec SA" bankrupt.
  • The highest blocks (they are 6 storey) in Husi town, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Build at early 90
  • Dric neighborhood, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    In this area, until 70' years, was a airfield, with inerbata track
  • Retirement Home, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Here is orthodox church "Sfintii Ioachim si Ana si Sfanta Ecaterina"
  • General school number 5, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Near is catholic church "Sfanta Maica Maria"
  • Autogara Husi, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Intercity passenger transportation (with buzes) in the area of Husi appeared in the early 60s. First buzes used for this services was romanian buzes "TV-20", made from 1959, at "Tudor Vladimirescu" factory, in Bucharest. First coach of the city was in the market area, but,after building blocks it was moved (in the 70s) where she is now rescue (ambulance) station. From 1975 intercity passenger transport, with buzes, in Husi area, was taken to "Auto Transport State Company" Vaslui, autocoloana Husi. In 1981 was inaugurated today the city bus (coach bus), with: building with ground floor and first floor (at ground floor: moving office equipped with electric megaphones, 3 ticket office, waiting room, and at first floor- offices), heating the oil slightly, machine shop (for the repair of buzes), fueling station (served by a tank truck "Roman"), concrete platform for the parking of buses, 6 platforms and WC. According to the "Buzes timetable", edition 1989/1991 (probably last), there were a total of 25 intercity passenger transport routes, near Husi. It was used these types of intercity buses: -"RD-111" ( cca 14-15; made in Romania) -"RDM-109-Montana" (tree; made in Romania) -"RDTM-111" (two; made in Romania) -"DAC-112-UDM" (tree; made in Romania) -"DAC-117-UD" (tree; made in Romania) After 1990, when the number of commuters decreases drastically, number of passengers transported with intercity( interurban) buzes drops. After cancellation, after 1990, at former "Auto Transport State Company ITA", intercity (interurban) passenger transport services, with buzes, is taking by new (first state, then private) company "Autobuzul" Husi. Are purchased 3 second-hand intercity buzes: -two "Mercedes-302" -one "IKARUS-260". In 1995 it had 35 buzes in the park, served by 22 trunk routes, serving 3,600 people daily, reaching a total length of 1548 km of roads used, as mentioned in the book "History Husului", published in 1995. Are open new intercity buzes routes: Husi- Iasi, Husi-Brasov, Husi- Galati, Husi- Barlad, but some routes, who link the town of Husi with remote villages (like Poganesti, Ranceni, Leosti, are closed). Subsequently, however, due to the emergence of new automobiles, but for other reasons,(old buzes, lack of spare parts, etc) the financial situation of the "Autobuzul SA Husi" worsens. In 2008, the romanian intercity buzes "RD-111", "RDM-109-Montana", "DAC-112-UDM", after almost 30 years in services, are withdrawn from circulation, in Husi area. Following this, "Autobuzul" Husi give up most intercity bus routes. In the last years, "Autobuzul" coach (interurban bus station) is modernized. In recent years have appeard and other private companies, who make intercity intercity passenger transportation, departing from the bus station at "Autobuzul". This company use buzes like: -"MAN" (bus) -"Setra" (bus) -"Isuzu" (minibus) -"Iveco" (minibuz) -"Otoyol" (minibuz) -"Mercedes-Sprinter", "Iveco Daily" (microbus), etc.
  • Asa-zisa autogara a Sc Anta 95 Srl, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Here was the railway employees volleyball, before 1989.
  • Electricity company ("Electrica Moldova") headquarters., flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    New "Electrica Moldova" Husi headquarters was inaugurated in 1998.
  • Magazinul general, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    "General store of Husi" ("Standurile HErea") open in 2004.
  • Integrated wine of Husi, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    Here was made famous wine "Busuioaca de Bohotin", one of the best wine from Roumania and Europe
  • Electricity company ("Electrica Moldova") headquarters., flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    In 1936 in Husi was build first electric power station, by contrybuting mayor I.G.Vantu. In 1962 the town of Husi is connected to the national energy system.
  • Pensiunea Dobrina, anedrei (guest) wrote 15 years ago: